Saturday, November 6, 2010

Appeal to Fear

The advertisement I chose was the above the influence campaign for the appeal to fear.   The advertisement has two mice sitting on a bed taking rat poison, which is their drug to get high off of.  It represents humans taking drugs that are harmful to their body, examples are people who inhale glue, people who misuse prescription medications, etc.   On the bottom of the advertisement it says in small print, “What’s the worst that could happen?”  The advertisement is trying to influence fear on people who are considering or using drugs.  I believe that the advertisement uses a good argument, since they used mice and rat poison to represent what drugs are too mice.  Drugs in a way are like rat poison, but its “human poison” to our bodies.  Also it shows the two mice hanging out in their room with the box of poison on the floor and one of the mice is offering the other one some rat poison to get high off of.  The question “What’s the worst that could happen?” also helps influence fear because the worst that can happen is death when using drugs.


  1. I like the advertisement of the two rats and one convincing the other to take some rat poison to get high off of. A lot of above the influence commercials have great meaning to influence youth to be above drugs and to steer away from exposure or use. Using rat poison is a good advertisement because a lot of youth now a days try and use different household products to get high off of because they know they can't legally buy cigarettes if they're underage. I remember when I was younger, there was this scary commercial of an old avid smoker who had to get a hole in her throat because of how much she smoked. That really put fear in that I would never try smoking. Commercials now are more mellow than they use to be.

  2. I think your post is very interesting. That is my first response when I see you pull up this example of appeal to fear. Your example of appeal to fear in advertisement is very clear and straight to the point. In my opinion, the advertisement is pretty interesting, rather than saying "do not take drug because it is poisonous" the advertisement actually implies what it wants to tell the audience. When we see the ad, we need to spend a little time to figure out its true meaning. I think you write a great post with great example. I enjoy your post.
