Saturday, October 23, 2010

Further Discussion Ch. 6

A concept that I believe needs further discussion in our class is chapter six compound claims. The chapter had a lot more information than previous chapters we have read in our class. The text provides different types of information on compound claims. Each section has a lot of information along with excercises. I think that the chapter had too much information to be able to completely understand it. There are a lot of different claims that the chapter discusses. We need to spend more time going over the examples to help ourselves have more comprehension on the different types of claims. The claims can br difficult to understand and if we focus more on them and even create our own claims that way it can be easier to understand the significant differences. A website that I found and thought that it can help out with understanding compound claims is, the site has examples and explanations.
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  1. Chapter six in Epstein is a good chapter that covers a lot of useful information. I believe that this should be discussed a little further, some of the material covered in that chapter was a topic of one of my earlier blogs. I like this chapter for its material over false dilemmas. One other topic that should be discussed in depth is reasoning. The book gives great examples and it could possibly strength your ability to notice how people and organization reason in daily life. A common thing people do is assume, "if this then that" Conditional claims in that chapter is good, it could use some more information about it though.. great post, keep it up

  2. I think you have a great idea of what we need further discussion on. I agree that compound claim in chapter six is worth to be discussed again. I also think that chapter eight is very hard to understand and need further discussion. Chapter eight is very confusing by just reading the text. I think we can understand these better if we have real life examples and practice the concepts in real life situations. I think the best way to learn is by doing. We would not understand them deeply by just reading the text. I like your post, well done.
