Friday, October 22, 2010

Assignment 2

Both of our group assignments were useful for our class.  The second assignment we had to do was helpful because we had to research an organization and see how they conceal claims, what types of fallacies they use in their organization, and how they use emotion in reasoning.   Our organization was PETA.  I got to learn how they got started in 1980, and how their public service announcements use partial nudity to make a statement on the use of real fur in clothing and accessories.  It was interesting to learn that they are the only animal rights organization in the world and that their mission to stop animal abuse in the world.   PETA is known for its demonstrations against corporations and other places that are known for violating animal rights.   They get endorsement from celebrities and have them star in their public service announcements partially nude for their “I would rather be naked than wear fur” campaign.  The second assignment was easier to understand and helped incorporate concepts we learned from our book. 

1 comment:

  1. Hi:) I am in your group and agree that working as a group definetly helped out in learning about not only concealed claims, reasoning of analogys, & fallacies, but also applying it to the subject we had to write about. I enjoyed working with you and the group and believe that if I did have you guys are my group, I probably would have written a lot of words and not completely have understood the meaning behind them. Now, I enjoyed reading your post, because although I was in the group, I was not aware of all of the history behind the PETA organization. I like how you used examples of how they put there public services in action. Once I read the campaign titled, "I would rather be naked than wear fur" made me laugh because I actually remember a celebrity, one of the Kardasians who did a photo shoot for that campaign. So I thought that was cool. Good job on the assignment and your post!
